Berko edged out by Global Proformance

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Football SUS-150809-143103001
Berko were edged out 2-1 in a friendly against Global Proformance on Saturday.

New signings centre backs Scott Bonner from Sun Sports and Danny Ryan of AFC Dunstable, plus striker Ikem Odeh from St Albans City were given a runout.

The first half was a tight affair with no goals although the visitors were stronger than last season and started with only two of the players that lost to Leverstock Green the previous weekend.

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Former Crystal Palace player Aaron Kodua tapped in early in the second half.

Berko brought on a host of substitutes and one of them, George Carberry netted the equaliser firing home after a series of shots had been charged down.

Delton Cambell-Brown scored the winner of a match that was a useful work-out.

Berko were due to face Barton Rovers last night (Tuesday) and host Southern League Premier side Kings Langley on Saturday, July 23. On Tuesday they are at home to a Watford XI, 7.30pm kick off.