Closely-fought contests with silverware on the line at Little Hay

The Peter Betts Charity Shield 2017 is presented at Little Hay Golf Club to the winning team of Paul Whiter, Tony Hodson, Neil Salisbury and Robin Rose, by Mr Betts son Philip, first left, and daughter Janet.The Peter Betts Charity Shield 2017 is presented at Little Hay Golf Club to the winning team of Paul Whiter, Tony Hodson, Neil Salisbury and Robin Rose, by Mr Betts son Philip, first left, and daughter Janet.
The Peter Betts Charity Shield 2017 is presented at Little Hay Golf Club to the winning team of Paul Whiter, Tony Hodson, Neil Salisbury and Robin Rose, by Mr Betts son Philip, first left, and daughter Janet.
Little Hay Golf Club had a busy week with all its sections involved in tournaments.

In the ladies’ section last Monday, the club hosted the Charity Cup Stableford contest which was won by Gill Howells with an excellent 40 points.

Runner-up was Chris Woodcock on 38 points while Jackie Pearson was third with 36 points.

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The seniors’ section had an away-day last Monday at Rickmansworth where Little Hay lost 2-4.

The seniors were back in action the very next say, contesting the Peter Betts Charity Shield, which is played under a Texas scramble format.

One of the largest fields so far this year took part in the third annual playing of the shield, donated by Mr Betts’ family in 2015.

The winners, on count back, with an impressive net score of 63 were the team of Paul Whiter, Tony Hodson, Neil Salisbury and Robin Rose.

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But the real winners were the two charitable organisations which the event was supporting – Macmillan Cancer Support and the Alzheimer’s Society with more than £300 raised on the day.

In the juniors’ section, the club hosted an Easter Stableford tournament last Wednesday.

Harry Miller won with seven pars and a very impressive 40 points.

Runner-up was Luke Wrathall on 34 points while Thomas Ashton was third with 31 points.

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Last Thursday, the seniors’ section contested The John McDonough Cup, a Stableford three-club challenge where participants were only allowed to take three golf clubs with them for the round.

The champion was Mick Milne on 39 points, runner-up was Paul Thompson just a point behind and Andy Sergides finished in third on 37 points.

Mick’s winning choice of clubs were: a 3 wood, an 8 iron and a putter.

n The Berkhamsted Trophy climaxed in a sudden-death play-off between two golfers from Yorkshire.

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Charlie Thornton, from Fulford Golf Club, triumphed as the sun was starting to set last Saturday, April 8, after a sudden-death play-off with Ben Hutchinson, a fellow Yorkshire player from the Howley Hall club.

There are now pictures from the event on our website at