'˜Relief' as gypsy and traveller site plans for Tring are scrapped

Site of the LA5 development on Icknield Way, TringSite of the LA5 development on Icknield Way, Tring
Site of the LA5 development on Icknield Way, Tring
Controversial plans for a gypsy and traveller site close to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Tring have been scrapped.

There were plans in place for the site at LA5, land allocated for a major housing development west of Tring.

But a government planning inspector has decided against its inclusion, to ensure that the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is protected.

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It follows a two-week public examination of Dacorum Borough Council’s Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD).

“The Town Council was relieved to hear of the outcome,” said Mike Hicks, Mayor of Tring.

“We lobbied hard with professional representation at the recent public examination to get across our message that the AONB was not an appropriate place.”

Some representors at the public examination had expressed concern about the public open space to be provided as part of LA5, but the inspector regards this proposal as offering a ‘necessary transition between the AONB and the housing development’.

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There are several stages to be completed before the planning inspector’s report is finalised and the resulting changes are incorporated into the site allocations DPD.

It is estimated that the revised document will be formally adopted by Dacorum Borough Council in Spring 2017.

Dacorum Borough Council is currently working on the new Single Local Plan which will incorporate the required early partial review of its Core Strategy.

The Core Strategy sets out the ‘strategic vision, objectives and spatial strategy’ for the borough over 20 years.

The Single Local Plan will include new housing requirements, and, if required, identify additional sites to meet the longer-term needs of gypsy and travellers across the Borough.