Sammy Barry-Mears for Hemel

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Sammy Barry-Mears will again fight for Hemel Hempstead at General Election as the Liberal Democrat candidate.

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Sammy will be campaigning for action to tackle the cost of living crisis, the NHS crisis and the sewage scandal. Hemel Hempstead must have an MP to protect the River Gade and Grand Union Canal, improve access to GPs and ensure that every child can live their best life in the town they call home.

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Sammy Barry-Mears is the borough councillor for Highfield, initially gaining the seat from Labour in 2019, and retaining her seat in May 2023 with an increased vote share.

Sammy Barry-MearsSammy Barry-Mears
Sammy Barry-Mears

In the 2019 General Election, Sammy Barry-Mears had the largest increase in vote share of any Hemel Hempstead constituency candidate, proving her appeal and effectiveness as a candidate.

In 2021 County elections, only the Lib Dems made gains in Dacorum, including the Hemel Town Division; in 2023, the Lib Dems took control of Dacorum Borough Council, making gains from Conservatives in Leverstock Green, Apsley and, again Hemel Town.

In May this year, the Liberal Democrats came 2nd in the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections in Hertfordshire.

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This track record proves that Sammy and the Liberal Democrats are the challengers in Hemel Hempstead.

The Liberal Democrats are on the up after beating the Conservatives in four stunning parliamentary by-election victories since the last General Election.

Responding to Rishi Sunak calling a General Election, the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate for Hemel Hempstead, Sammy said:

“For years, Hemel Hempstead has been ignored by the Conservative Government and taken for granted by its Conservative MP. They have failed us again and again - it's time for a change.

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“Our local health services are struggling, people’s mortgages and rent are too high, and our rivers are being polluted with sewage. The Conservative government is too busy fighting among themselves instead of helping us.

“A vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote for a fair deal. It’s a vote for a party that cares about Hemel Hempstead and our health services.”