OAP hospitalised after unprovoked attack

An elderly man remains in a serious condition in hospital after being attacked from behind as he walked home from the shops.

The 77-year-old, who has not been named, was assaulted in Fletcher Way between 8.10-8.20am on Friday, October 7.

Police believe the assailant may have had two children with him at the time of the attack, and that he simply walked away from the scene.

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The victim’s son told the Gazette: “It was a violent and unprovoked assault on my dad, who was just walking home from the shops.

“He’s an elderly gentleman who was minding his own business, and I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say he was fighting for his life. He’s awake now, has opened his eyes and is talking, but his health has deteriorated a lot because of what happened.

“Since the attack he’s caught a chest infection and he has severe bruising.”

PC Samantha Pearce, from the Dacorum Intervention Team, said: “This was an unprovoked attack which left the elderly victim requiring hospital treatment.

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“The offender is described as a white man, aged between 30 and 35, and he may have had two children with him at the time of the offence.

“I am appealing for anyone who may have seen the incident or may have information that could help the investigation to contact me via the Hertfordshire Constabulary non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference number D1/16/7191.”

People who prefer to provide information anonymously can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or give details via the anonymous site www.crimestoppersuk.org

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