‘Not an emergency? Don’t come in!’ – busy hospital trust tweets after A&E surge

Watford General HospitalWatford General Hospital
Watford General Hospital
The NHS trust behind West Herts’ three hospitals has taken to social media to help quell a post-Bank Holiday surge in people attending A&E.

The West Herts Hospitals Twitter account posted this morning: “Our A&E at Watford Hospital is very busy this morning. Pls remember A&E is for serious injuries and illnesses only [sic].”

The tweet also asked for others to retweet the message in an attempt to stem the demand for accident and emergency services today.

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Chief executive of the Trust Samantha Jones also posted her views on the social network, saying: “Understandable pressures due to BH weekend. The sooner we have 7 day wrkg across health & social care services the better! [sic]”

The Trust’s medical director Dr Mike Van Der Watt said: “Bank Holidays weekends, and the immediate few days afterwards, often prove very busy for accident and emergency departments across the country.

“Whilst the level of attendances at our A&E hasn’t increased significantly, we have seen a rise in the number of sicker patients who need additional care and who need to be admitted.

“We would like to remind local people that our A&E department is for people with serious injuries and illnesses, and to encourage those with minor conditions to use other services, for instance our 24/7 urgent care centre at Hemel Hempstead Hospital and our minor injuries unit at St Albans Hospital.

“People can also call 111 for advice and support.”

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