Message of reassurance ahead of A Level results this week

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Exam results
Nervous teens anxiously awaiting their A Level results can rest assured that they have plenty of future options in Hertfordshire – whether that’s in education, training or employment.

Councillor David Williams, who oversees education, is wishing students good luck for results day this Thursday.

He said: “I’d like to wish Hertfordshire’s students the very best, and hope that you are not feeling too anxious or stressed.

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“I’m confident that your hard work and that of your teachers at our excellent schools across the county will have paid off and the results will again show that Hertfordshire performs above the national average.

“Whatever the outcome when those envelopes were opened, I’d like to reassure you and your parents that there are plenty of options available. Dedicated people will be on-hand to give you all the advice you need. Schools will have members of staff available to talk through your choices - whether you’ve exceeded your expectations, had a change of heart about what to do next or if the news isn’t what you hoped.”

Students should be prepared to deal with all eventualities on the day. Take a mobile phone, pen and paper, your university or college offer (if you have one) and related paperwork, such as your personal statement and reference. If pupils are unable to take up a place they have been offered, there is the chance to find a new course through the UCAS clearing system. There’s also the opportunity to re-sit exams if required.

Hertfordshire County Council’s Youth Connexions service has lots of advice and information for students on what to do next - visit They will be running a Q&A session on exam results on twitter @hertsjobs16to19 using the hashtag #YCResults15

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Alternatively, students are welcome to visit or make contact with personal advisers in Youth Connexions One Stop Shops and centres across the county. Full details are on the website.

It is also possible to search for apprenticeships, further education courses and jobs on this site, and there is a Youth Connexions employment team that offers a free job matching service on 0800 389 3258.

David said: “Whatever you decide, I hope you have an enjoyable summer and wish you all the best for the future.”

>Share your A Level success with us by emailing details and pictures to [email protected].