Meet Apsley man's cartoon cat creation

Pumpkin KittenPumpkin Kitten
Pumpkin Kitten
A local illustrator has just published an educational book for children struggling with the words '˜yes' and '˜no'.

Apsley resident Bowe Lou, who recently worked at Leavesdon Studios on the filming of Tomb Raider, was approached by author S. Khan to help illustrate a children’s book.

Bowe, aged 40, said: “I got this random call from a friend of a friend. Turns out that this writer, S. Khan, was looking for an illustrator on a book about two words that had a lot of importance. The idea was great, so I started sketching out some ideas.”

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And so the collaboration began, along with the search for an iconic character that could tell the story visually.

Bowe, who has spent many years spent working on projects at Disney and Warner Bros, designed some eye-popping images of a cat.

But he added: “The hardest job was selecting a name for a cat, believe it or not. Eventually we chose Pumpkin Kitten.

“Cute, iconic and fun.”

Pumpkin Kitten’s book about Yes and No is available in bookshops and on Amazon.

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