Hemel nightclub attacker branded 'Dangerous, out of control and full of adrenalin'

News from the courts ANL-171019-151707001News from the courts ANL-171019-151707001
News from the courts ANL-171019-151707001
A drunk plasterer who hit a man in a nightclub before threatening door staff with a three-foot pole has been branded 'Dangerous, out of control and full of adrenalin.'

Clint Findlay, 33, of Alexandra Road, Hemel Hempstead, pleaded guilty to having an offensive weapon and two charges of common assault.

Luton Crown Court heard how, on the night of October 14, Findlay had hit a man who had talked to his girlfriend in Redz Bar in High Street.

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He then struck a bouncer, and after being ejected he threatened door staff, shouting: “You want f...... trouble – I will give you f...... trouble!”

An off-duty police officer intervened and more police were called. One drew a baton, and an incapacitant spray was used to control him.

One officer described Findlay as being: “Dangerous, out of control and full of adrenalin.”

Findlay had five convictions for seven previous offences. Seven-and-a-half years ago he received a suspended sentence and an alcohol treatment programme for causing actual bodily harm.

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Thomas Edwards, defending, said: “He was drinking heavily – he couldn’t remember what took place. As soon as he saw the CCTV, he pleaded guilty.

“Mr Findlay instructed me that his girlfriend said the person he hit was someone talking to her – this was a case of Mr Findlay getting the wrong end of the stick.”

He said Findlay had struggled with alcohol abuse and had battled depression. He said Findlay was working full-time as a self-employed plasterer and provided for his son.

He added that Findlay had also raised money for cancer charities through a boxing event and StopOctober.

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He said: “He is hard working and dilgent and is working hard to address his alcohol problems.”

Judge Michael Kay QC passed a six-month jail sentence, suspended for 18 months.

Findlay must attend 12 days of a rehabilitation activity requirement, a thinking skills programme and abide by a 9pm to 6am curfew for 6 months. In addition, he must pay £250 compensation to each victim.

The judge told Findlay: “You had no excuse for your behaviour. You punched someone you did not know.

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“If there had been any injury, the only course would have been custody.

“You are 33 and you should know better. It is about time you grew up and acted like an adult. What sort of father who cares about his son acts like an idiot in that way? What sort of example are you setting for your son?

“You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.”

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