Girl who got lip stuck in braces after bike crash thanks driver who helped her

Ella Ainscough from Berkhamsted who was helped after a bike accidentElla Ainscough from Berkhamsted who was helped after a bike accident
Ella Ainscough from Berkhamsted who was helped after a bike accident
A girl who fell off her bicycle and got her lip trapped in her braces wants to thank the driver who stopped to help her.

The man – believed to have been driving a Renault Clio – gave 12-year-old Ella Ainscough water and tissues and drove her and her bicycle home.

Ella said: “He was really kind and he was trying to stop me from panicking.

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“He was calming me down a lot and giving me water and lots of tissues to comfort me.”

She had been out cycling with mum Corrienne in Shootersway, Berkhamsted, at the time of her mishap on Sunday afternoon.

Ella said: “I was trying to catch up with my mum, because she goes really fast and when I was pedalling, the bike swerved and I came off it face first.

“It was really painful. I could not smile or laugh or talk that well.”

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Ella went to the dentist’s first thing on Monday to have her lip removed from her braces – after being given two doses of anaesthetic.

She said: “It was alright, because I have had teeth taken out with the same sort of injection in the past.

“They got tweezers and pulled the inside of my gum and lifted it up over my brace.

“I closed my eyes and I was trying not to think about it, because I did not want it to hurt.”

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Corrienne said her daughter was covered in cuts and grazes and concussed after the accident.

She said: “Ella was on a bike she was not used to and she fell off quite badly, and three or four vehicles did stop.

“She was screaming so hysterically and shaking, and one particular gentleman went the extra mile to help calm her down.”

Corrienne cycled home because the man – who she thinks was called Jevon or something similar – could not find the space in his car for two bicycles.

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She said: “Eva was saying: ‘I want to be sick’, and – quite worryingly: ‘I want to go to sleep.’ She was bleeding quite a lot from her mouth.

“This man showed exceptional kindness towards my daughter and I really would like to say thank you.”

> Were you the man who helped Ella? Why not tell us your side of the story? Contact Gazette reporter David O’Neill on 07803 505589 or email [email protected]

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