Dacorum Borough Council urges residents to looking to freshen up their wardrobes to join summer clothes swap

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Residents wanting to give their wardrobe a seasonal makeover are urged to join Dacorum Borough Council's summer clothes swap.

The event takes place on Saturday June 15 during Great Big Green Week – a nationwide celebration of community action to tackle climate change.

The event, supported by Berkhamsted Town Council and Dacorum Climate Action Network, aims to encourage residents to support circular fashion rather than buying brand new clothes and reducing carbon emissions while also saving money.

The swap is taking place at Berkhamsted Civic Centre.

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Swapping clothes is an eco and affordable way to freshen up your wardrobe.Swapping clothes is an eco and affordable way to freshen up your wardrobe.
Swapping clothes is an eco and affordable way to freshen up your wardrobe.

Attendees can bring up to 10 good quality items they no longer wear during the drop- off time - between 10am and 11am - and exchange them for another item at the swap time – from noon to 1pm.

Items remaining by the end of the day will be donated to local charity shops

The fashion industry is responsible for 10 per cent of global carbon emissions. This means new clothes are contributing to climate change more than air and sea travel combined. Textile production is also the world’s second largest industrial polluter after oil. Clothes Swaps are a good opportunity to clear up wardrobe clutter and find a fresh look without spending a penny.

Items that are not good quality can either be repaired or, alternatively, recycled at local neighbourhood textile recycling bank or some retailer 'take-back' schemes.

Find more information on the Council's recycling centres page.

Visit the council's Clothes and Textiles page for more details on the swap event.

Great Big Green Week takes place from June 8 to 16.