Energy-efficient Great Gaddesden homes lead the way for house building partnership

Passivhaus homes in Great GaddesdenPassivhaus homes in Great Gaddesden
Passivhaus homes in Great Gaddesden
Dacorum Borough Council is working with England's largest rural housing association, Hastoe, to build more quality affordable homes.

The two organisations have already co-operated to build four highly energy-efficient ‘Passivhaus’ homes in Great Gaddesden on land owned by the council. Passivhaus buildings typically reduce heating requirements by 75 per cent. All the Great Gaddesden properties also have solar panels to reduce electricity costs.

The new homes are managed by Hastoe and let at affordable rents to people with a connection to the local area.

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Dacorum and Hastoe are now looking to identify more land to build more affordable housing.

Hastoe spokesman John Lefever, said: “Councils have public sector land for new development, while housing associations have the access to finance and experience of building and managing affordable homes.

“I’m keen to grow our partnership with Dacorum to seek new sites and build the affordable homes local people need.”

Dacorum spokesman David Barrett said: “With over 5,000 applicants on Dacorum’s housing register, this is a great opportunity for us to work in partnership to deliver new homes. The council is successfully building new homes but, by simultaneously releasing land to housing associations like Hastoe, we are maximising the number of new, energy-efficient homes for our residents to live in.

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“The development of new homes is particularly important in rural locations within Dacorum. By providing affordable homes for younger people and families with a local connection, we can ensure that our villages continue to be vibrant communities for generations to come.”