Police warn Dacorum football fans about conduct during Euro 2024

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Hertfordshire Constabulary is warning football fans to behave responsibly when enjoying the upcoming European Championships.

Euro 2024 starts tomorrow evening (14 June), and the police is urging residents to behave both at home and down the pub.

Pubs are likely to be packed and lively when England begins its campaign on Sunday evening (16 June) against Serbia. Further group games against Denmark and Slovenia are scheduled for next Thursday (20 June) and the following Tuesday (25 June), respectively.

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Chief Inspector Victoria Richards said: “We want supporters to enjoy the UEFA Euro


2024™ football tournament in a friendly and peaceful manner.

“It should be a very exciting tournament and we know that emotions run high, but we would please ask people to remember that not all Hertfordshire residents and visitors are football fans, so please try not to disturb their daily lives.

“The vast majority of football fans who either travel to the tournament or watch the matches at home or in a bar or pub are law-abiding and peaceful; however, we will act strongly to deal with any troublemakers and drunk and disorderly members of the public.

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“In addition, we have also contacted licensed premises and they are fully aware of what we expect from them during the tournament.

“We have appropriate policing plans in place for all of the England matches during the tournament and officers will be in town and city centres to help you feel safe and enjoy the matches and to quickly respond to calls. In turn, this also means that we have more officers on the roads ready to respond to reports of drink driving.

“Furthermore, if you are thinking of travelling to Germany to engage in football disorder then be warned that police forces are working together to identify troublemakers and will detain those identified, if necessary, before and during the competition.”

Hertfordshire Constabulary says it will be using extra resources in case there is additional disorder across the county on England matchdays. Also the police force is wary that domestic violence incidents can increase during major footballing tournaments nationally.

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A force spokesperson added: “We have specially trained teams that offer support for those affected by domestic abuse on a 24/7 basis, 365 days of the year.

“Football can be a highly emotional game and no matter how your team do, there is no excuse for taking your feelings out on your family or partner.”

Victims of domestic abuse can access the Hertfordshire Domestic Abuse Helpline on 08 088 088 088.

The police force is also warning residents not to risk drink or drug driving home after watching games.

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Hertfordshire Constabulary says there is no way to know how much you can drink and stay under the legal alcohol limit, since it can depend on your weight, age, metabolism, the amount of food you have eaten and other factors. It also warns residents who have been drinking the night before, may still be over the limit the next morning.

“Our Roads Policing Unit (RPU) will lead our response by increasing high visibility patrols on all our roads, both strategic and rural: there will be no road that can be used to evade being caught,” the spokesperson added.