Christmas pharmacy opening times for Dacorum

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A round-up of opening times for pharmacies across Dacorum over the Christmas and New Year period.

Abbotts Langley pharmacy - 78 High Street

– Christmas Day and Boxing Day - CLOSED

– New Year’s Day - 11am to 1pm

Boots the chemist pharmacy, Berkhamsted - 192 High Street

– Christmas Day - 11am to 1pm

– Boxing Day - 10am to 4pm

– New Year’s Day - 10am to 4pm

Pharmacies in Hemel Hempstead:

Boots the chemist, 149 Marlowes

– Christmas Day - CLOSED

– Boxing Day - 9am to 5.30pm

– New Year’s Day - 11am to 5pm

Lloyds pharmacy, 38 Queens Square

– Christmas Day - CLOSED

– Boxing Day - 11am to 4pm

– New Year’s Day - 11am to 3pm

MedicX pharmacy, 161 London Road Apsley

– Christmas Day - 12noon to 6pm

– Boxing Day - 12noon to 10pm

– New Year’s Day - 12noon to 10pm

Nash chemist, 54 Long Chaulden

– Christmas Day - 4pm to 6pm

– Boxing Day and New Year’s Day - CLOSED

Sainsbury’s in-store pharmacy, London Road, Aspley Mills

– Christmas Day - CLOSED

– Boxing Day - 10am to 5pm

– New Year’s Day - 9am to 7pm

Woods chemist, 2 Bellgate, Highfield

– Christmas Day - 11am to 1pm

– Boxing Day and New Year’s Day - CLOSED

Kings Langley - Your Local Boots pharmacy - 24 High Street

– Christmas Day and New Year’s Day - CLOSED

– Boxing Day - 11am to 1pm

Lloyds pharmacy, 20 Chapel Street, Western Road, Tring

– Christmas Day - 10am to 12noon

– Boxing Day and New Year’s Day - CLOSED

Lloyds pharmacy, 66 High Street, Tring

– Christmas Day and Boxing Day- CLOSED

– New Year’s Day - 10am to 12noon

Rooneys chemist, 4 Dolphin Square, Tring

– Christmas Day and New Year’s Day - CLOSED

– Boxing Day - 10am to 12noon