Children's hospice calls out for rainbow runners

Runners at the Keech Colour DashRunners at the Keech Colour Dash
Runners at the Keech Colour Dash
Runners are gearing up to show their support for seriously ill children as Hertfordshire's children's hospice gets set for its biggest ever Colour Dash.

More than 1,000 runners will paint Luton’s Wigmore Valley Park all the colours of the rainbow at Keech Hospice Care’s 5K event on Sunday.

Keech Hospice Care provides care for seriously ill children and their families across Hertfordshire, and depends on the community for 70 per cent of its funding.

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This year, the charity is hoping to smash last year’s fundraising total.

Regional fundraising manager Mark Relf said: “We’re back bigger and better!

“In 2015, our 500 participants raised £37,000 for the charity and had a brilliant time. It really will be a 5K walk, jog or run with a difference.

“The money raised will make a huge difference to enabling us to care and support children across the whole of Hertfordshire with end-of-life illnesses.”

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“As a charity, we support the whole family not only at the hospice, but in their own home, schools and hospitals across Hertfordshire – wherever the support is needed.

“So please come out, have fun and show your true colours.”

Participants will start off in a pristine white T-shirt and by the end of the event they’ll look like they’ve walked through a rainbow.

Entry is £20 for adults and £10 for children. Registration is open from 10am and the event starts at 11am.

Sign up at or call 01582 707940.