Campaign promotes positive action in bid to prevent suicides

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A new suicide prevention campaign is urging people to be open about their feelings.

The Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Trust (HPFT) has teamed up with the mental health charity MIND Network, Public Health, GPs and commissioners to launch the Spot the Signs and Save a Life campaign.

It also involves people who have experienced suicidal feelings or have helped someone suffering from those thoughts.

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HPFT deputy chief executive Oliver Shanley said: “We know that being able to spot the signs of distress and suicidal behaviour is the first step in prevention.”

The campaign aims to make everyone alert to the signs of suicidal feelings and is asking people to make a pledge to take positive action to help prevent suicide. This could be telling someone if you, yourself, are worried that you might be having suicidal thoughts and feelings or reaching out to someone who you are worried may be feeling suicidal.